Thursday, September 15, 2022

Standardized Testing

Standardized testing is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent manner. They are designed in such a way that the questions and interpretations are predetermined and scored the same for all students. In the USA, students are now required to take standardized tests beginning in elementary school. According to an article by Burrows, standardized tests are used  to determine students' academic readiness in higher education. As you approach higher education and look into the future, you have to research which tests are required for admission to each school. Examples of these tests include; ACT, LSAT, GRE, GMAT, and MCAT. Standardized tests are performed across the United States to scale the performance of how students perform and continue to promote scholarship opportunities, college acceptance, and more based on their test results.                                                                                      

 Students taking a standardized test

Standardized testing was not always my favorite throughout my educational experience. I have always done exceptionally well in the classroom on quizzes, assignments, group projects, and more. When it came to taking large tests I gathered a lot of anxiety. Though I could tell you the given material at any time, test scores showed that I did not know the material. I have never liked the idea of a student's knowledge being based on a test score when so many factors tie into that score. Maybe a student gets anxious or didn't get breakfast that morning, or maybe had gotten into an argument in the car before arriving at school. Many factors can affect these test score results. This is why it is imperative to encourage students so that they know they are more than their test results. It is important to test students on prior knowledge, however, it would be beneficial to use other strategies where they are not labeled by their score. I hope one day we can collaboratively find a way to enhance students' understanding of their academics, without stressing so much about a score. 


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