Thursday, September 22, 2022

Classroom Management

Classroom management is the process teachers use to ensure that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behavior from students compromising the delivery of instruction. It can be defined as the actions teachers take to establish and sustain an environment that fosters students' academic achievement as well as their social, emotional, and moral growth. Classroom management isn't necessarily keeping everyone quiet and in their seats, but it's about building strong relationships with students, encouraging them to take part in their own learning, and sharing a little about yourself along the way. Effective classroom strategies for students include offering praise, allowing students to help establish guidelines, document rules, and much more. Communication is fair and clear, and the classroom sustains an orderly environment for the students.                                                            
Students raising their hands

Classroom management is an educational topic that I love to learn more about. In my experience, I have been adjusted and used to having a behavior clip chart growing up. Even in my elementary classrooms, we had to pull a card or clip due to our behavior that day. At the end of each day, if we remained to have good behavior or clipped up, we got a treat out of a surprise box to reward our good behavior. Rewards are something that I have learned to be huge, especially for an elementary-aged classroom. They love to earn points, stars, treats, and more when it comes to good behavior. Something I have learned is to always stand by your students, and give them praise, and options as much as you can. I believe that classroom management is an excellent thing, and it allows teachers to have control over their classroom behavior. Students come in every day with a clear routine of what is expected of them because of classroom management strategies, and this allows things to run smoothly. Classroom management strategies can change from year to year, but creates a safe and comfortable classroom environment to meet all students' needs. 


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