Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Educational Blogging

Educational blogging is a blog created for educational purposes that facilitate reflection, question self, and others, and provides context for higher-order thinking. Educational blogging promotes various benefits such as; sharing resources with others, reflecting on lessons, sharing work, and much more. It is important to consider who the audience is that you are speaking to and to have goals for why you are blogging and the points that you want to make. Educational blogging can be a quick resource for teachers to share with parents what the students are learning and the purpose behind it. Also, it is nice to write about things you know and are passionate about, and educational blogging can be a relief for educators to get the word out there.    

Girl sitting on top of books reading.
Girl reading while sitting on top of books.
Educational blogging has opened up more opportunities for me to learn about classroom management, check-in and check-out methods, and proximity control. Starting the day by checking in with my students allows me to be able to understand where my students are emotionally that day. This allows me to create plans for my students that need extra emotional support when having a bad day. I also have a better understanding of new ways to manage my classroom and techniques that other teachers have incorporated. For instance, there is a wall of rules given at one school so when students get in trouble they have to go to the wall of rules and look over them again. Proximity control is something I was unsure how I could accumulate in my classroom in a professional way and I have been able to gather a new understanding of implementation through others' research.                                                                                                                      

Blogging has been new for me, but enjoyable. It is quite easy, but an excellent resource for research and publishing information that I feel passionate about. I would like to incorporate blogging in my classroom for myself as a tool, but also a tool for my students to blog about what they have learned and taken from instruction. This will enhance my understanding of their comprehension, yet also be a tool for me to share updates, ideas, and content with my students and their parents. 

Educational Blogging

Educational blogging is a blog created for educational purposes that facilitate reflection, question self, and others, and provides context ...